Majlis Atfal-ul Ahmadiyya

Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya was established in 1938 by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih (RA). The purpose of Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya is to inculcate the virtues of commonness, daily prayers, hard work, and truthfulness in the youth of Ahmadiyyat. These traits should be part and parcel of every Tifl as he matures into a Khadim.

Strengthen the Bond with Khilafat​

Upcoming Events

After Prophethood, Khilafat is the most important institution in Islam. Khalifa is ultimately appointed by God through His Divine guidance. It has been incumbent on every Tifl to keep in touch with Khalifa of the Islam & Imam of the age, who is the flag bearer of Islam and prophetic traditions. It’s the duty of every single Tifl to show complete obedience and honor each and every word of wisdom of our beloved Huzoor. Majlis Atfal ul Ahmadiyya Malaysia has prepared an exclusive section for Atfal to learn more and keep in touch with our beloved Imam. You can also send your letters to Huzoor (aba) through this section.

Online Islamic Courses

This course is divided into three stages. Below are some of the contents of the different stages of the course. This page will allow you into Stage One only. After completing Stage One you will be given a password to go to Stage Two and then finally Stage Three.

Upcoming Events

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