About Us

“Nations Cannot be Reformed Without the Reformation of the Youth.”

The purpose of Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya is to prepare Ahmadi children in a proper manner so that they may be molded in such a way that they are able to utilize their God-gifted abilities towards the progress of the Jama’at. While God has emphasized upon the believers to keep themselves away from the fire of His displeasure, He has also made them responsible for their families. Thus, along with self-reformation, they must also reform their families and thus fulfill the responsibility of reforming their future generations.

In the world, we see that in order for a nation to progress, it is necessary to establish a proper system for training future generations, so that after they receive adequate training, they can shoulder the system established by their predecessors and become capable of furthering its progress. We have also seen that the best time for the training of a generation is in its childhood. In this age, the state of heart and mind is clean. Whatever imprints are placed in the heart of a child, they will not be easy to be removed in a later period.

Our Master the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said:

“A child is born in the right nature, later his parents make him a Jew or a Christian or a Zoroastrian.”

The reason for this is that a child has the nature of understanding and imitating. He will accept anything that his parents or guardian will teach him. Thus, it is childhood training, in which the foundation of a person’s thoughts and character is built. That is why he remembers things learned in childhood more so than those learned later on.