Letter to Huzoor

Download the template to write a letter to Huzoor (May Allah be his Helper) for blessings and prayers. You can write him for prayers, tell him about yourselves or ask him for guidance.

If you do not have any facility to fax your letter then click here to send it to us and we will fax your letter.

Contact information for Huzoor Anwar (aba)

Islamabad-Sheephatch Lane, Tilford GU 2AQ, U.K The London Mosque-16 Greesenhall Road,London SW18 5QL,U.K

Fax: +44(203) 988 3922 or +44(208) 870 5234

“You should either post your letters or fax them. Nowadays people do not use fax machines, except for Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya. They put more emphasis on email. Don’t make it too easy for yourself. If you want to write a letter to request for prayers, then put some effort into it.”

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (ABA)